Learn Flash SWF
See how excellent animations were made, check their structures, resources and some features.
Restore FLA From SWF
Recover FLA from SWF or convert the SWF made by FLEX back to FLEX. Standard EXE is supported.
Extract All SWF Elements
One-click to extract preferred SWF elements from existing SWF into different categories.
Friendly Interactive UI
Focus on providing better interactive experience to all Flash users. Quite easy to use.
OS compatibility
It supports Windows 2000 /XP/Vista/7/8. Mac version supports Mac OS X 10.8 or above.
Debug Flash SWF
Trace and debug SWF. View all SWF components to find the mistakes in ActionScript.
Flash to HTML5
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Edit SWF Resources
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Capture Online SWF
Offer free browser add-on. Allow you to capture online SWF with just one click.
Multilingual User Interface
Interfaces of English, Chinese, German, French, Italian, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Arabic.
“Sothink SWF Decompiler is a tool capable of extracting the diverse elements that make up an SWF file. SWF Decompiler not only does the job quickly & efficiently, but is also very easy to use.”
Recover FLA from SWF or convert the SWF made by FLEX back to FLEX. Standard EXE and Flash CS6 are supported.